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The most important fat burning drinks and foods.

The most important fat burning drinks and foods

 The most important fat burning drinks

Drinking water - helps reduce appetite and burn fat

You should drink from 2 to 3 liters of water a day - you should drink 2 cups of water

Before meals - Drinking water helps to lose weight.

Drinking a glass of water with a few drops of lemon 
juice on it burns fat Green tea - contains an antioxidant - one of the best types of green tea - green tea is used for slimming and - green tea with mint - for slimming as well
Coffee burns fat by 13%

Boiled cumin with the juice of half a lemon and then put the peel of half a lemon - it works to 
reduce the abdomen and buttocks

Tomato juice - works to burn fat in the areas of the abdomen and buttocks.
-Beet juice mixed with apple juice - it cleans the liver, resists insulin and burns fat

- Eating a tablespoon of olive oil every day - it burns fat

.The most important fat burning foods

Abdominal slimming drink - it is a fat-burning drink and it consists of -

Onions, garlic and 1 cabbage leaf, radish and artichokes - help to lose weight very quickly - because they contain a mod with phosphorous and sulfur - and eating this soup helps reduce the buttocks and abdomen

Eating cranberries - burns fat.

- Eating a plate of salad every day - it fills the stomach and satiety - and the salad consists of lettuce, watercress, carrots, tomatoes, onions and red cabbage with a hanging of olive oil
 Sleeping about 8 hours leads to the secretion of- growth hormone, which works Burn fat -
. Exercising helps burn fat-
.Avoid drinking soft drinks-
.Reduce sugars-
.Reduce carbohydrates-

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